Monday 28 April 2014

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Apologies, as always, for abandoning the blog. I need to get into the habit of posting, just always seem to be too busy! Doing exactly what, I have no idea, but aye. Here I am, with a quick update (because I should be doing work!)

Firstly, my internship has come to an end! It was a great experience, and I'm very grateful for the opportunity. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect first job, really. Got to meet some very talented people, and work in a really productive environment.

Whilst there, my time was mostly spent learning python and re-rigging the Krocodile from 4th year film Krokodi. I started from scratch, and built the rig using tools developed by the team. The finished Kroc rig was leaps and bounds ahead of my original, and the lessons learnt from working with the systems in place will stick with me for a long time. My skills in Python have also come on considerably, and I can now read it comfortably, and write it off the top of my head to an extent. I developed a few simple tools whilst on the internship.

I left my post on good terms and received positive feedback and useful direction. On leaving, I was told I had improved to the standard where they'd consider me for a junior TD position. Unfortunately, there are no such positions at the moment, but the future looks bright!

In my spare time over the last wee while, I've been working on a rig for old classmate Daniel McCance's VFX Alien creature. I've been lagging a bit with it lately- I can't seem to get the deformations on his belly right. Sucking it up and cracking on! Hopefully have it with him in the next couple of days. I'll stick up a video when he's done!
Hope everyone's well, and keeping busy!


I have just now been offered a new position, and will be returning on the 5th of May! Unfortunately, it's not a rigging position- my title will be Render Wrangler, and in a nutshell I'll be helping out the tech guys and keeping things running smoothly at the end of the pipeline. Another notch in the CG belt gladly received!