I just now realise that I haven't stuck any of my python tools on here, never mind my newer ones! For a wee look at all of my previous attempts, jump to www.nzchristie.wix.com/website and got to the 'Tool Development' page.
Anyway, most recently (among many "I'll come back to these later" failed efforts) I've made these 2 tools. The videos might be a bit over-sped-up, for fear of them dragging out and being boring. The caffeine might have also had something to do with it...
First one here is a tool I made for personal use, to speed up the process of turning curves into controls. This bad boy lets you name them, lock and hide attributes and add custom attributes in one quick swoop. It also freezes the curve's transformations and lets you add up to 3 'offset groups' above them in the hierarchy.
The next one is a dynamic chain creator. All you have to do is place a few locators where you'd like your chain, and this guy goes to the bother of building the chain, curve, hair system etc for you, and linking them all up nicely. It also has a few slidey bars for the attributes I found I was using most often to change the chain's behaviour.
Aaaaaaand that's all folks!
Thanks for reading :)